Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2011

why clients decide on a caterer?

   it is imprtant to understand how the potential customers's decision-making process works. a potential client looking for a caterer who has the capacity to do both on-premise and off-premise catering is certauinly beneficial. the caterer must understand how the needs of the customer will influence their decision to select the right caterer.

                  factors to be considered by the caterer:

       1. reputation> it is one of the most important considerations a client uses in the decision-making process. it is imperative that the caterer is reliable. when salecting a caterer who has been in business for a long time, the caterer need not make false promises.
       2. referrals> it maybe a caterer's best vehicle for advertising his skills and expertise. a referral in the trade occurs when a customer is satisfied with the quality and workmanship of the caterer. satisfied clients who recommend a caterer to others become a caterer's best advertising agent.
      3. word-of-mouth> it is the best type of advertising for a caterer. satisfied customers are always willing to recommend a caterer they excited about. it is estimated that one satisfied customer will relate this experiences to three others;however unsatisfied customer will tell eleven other people.

                                                         the caterers:

         examples of event catering:

 1.wedding catering:

2. business catering:

   3. debut catering:

       4. conference catering:

1 komento:

  1. It's also important to know what is the approach of the catering company when it comes to their clients.

    For example, how they come up 18th birthday ideas for their debutante customer. Also much better if they conduct a public events like food tasting events.
